Why train athletes on the Railyard?
Improve global movement skills necessary for safe and efficient athletic movements.
Movement on the Railyard Obstacle Course develops and improves patterns, not parts.
Patterns that exploit opportunities to deal with force result in stronger parts.
Patterns that rely on quick reaction time create parts that respond in an instant.
Patterns in multiple planes of movement including forward, backward, lateral, up, down,
across, over, and under.
The Railyard develops perceptual skills that help make up our ability to move and learn effectively:
Body Awareness: Understanding the parts of the body and various ways they can move.
Directional Awareness: The ability to understand the directions of the body (right, left,
up, down, etc.) and to be able to move in all planes of motion.
Spatial Awareness: A concept of how much space the body occupies in relation to the
surrounding environment.
Temporal Awareness: The sense of timing, rhythm, and precision.
Vestibular Awareness: An internal sense of the head and body’s position in relation to gravity.
Proprioceptive Awareness: The ability to interpret the internal sense of where the body and
specific joints are in space and in relation to each other, and how much force/velocity they are exerting.
Tactile Awareness: The ability to appropriately respond to touch, in addition to differentiation of objects by size, texture, and shape.
Visual Awareness: The ability to visually focus, track, and take in broad fields of view.