1HourADay: Kids are the future of fitness


Kids are the future of fitness, it's up to us to introduce our product to them in a fun and productive manner.

Why is this important?

Not only are today’s children tomorrow’s citizens and leaders, they are also tomorrow’s fitness consumers.  We have an obligation to the children and to our industry to see that all kids are introduced to fitness as a positive, fun experience.  If we expect to continue to fill our clubs and training sessions, and sell shoes, apparel and equipment we need to introduce alternatives to sedentary activities at a young age.  The time to start positive fitness habits shouldn’t wait until a child’s weight or health issues become a problem.

Children who exercise 1 hour a day:

  • Can improve  their academic scores up to 40%

  • Disciplinary issues are reduced in the classroom and at home

  • Experience less stress, depression, suicide, ADHD and they sleep better

  • Have higher self esteem, are less susceptible to bullying and are less likely to bully

  • Healthier children make better food choices

  • They will become healthier and more productive members of our society, which will reduce our nation’s health care expense and help the U.S. in a competitive world.

 Why exercise in schools?

We support exercise in school because schools offer an existing infrastructure of facilities and personnel.  Exercise can be in the gym or on the playground with a PE teacher, or it can be accomplished in the classroom by the children’s regular teachers.  No need to hire additional personnel, in fact exercise in the classroom doesn't have to cost a penny! Brain Breaks and other classroom activities are free and recognized methods of introducing exercise to children.  Just 1 hour a day of exercise will provide all the benefits children need to have a positive and fun experience preparing them for a lifetime of exercise and health.